The University of Cambridge Civil Engineering Division has extensive facilities for laboratory testing, centrifuge modelling, and numerical analysis across the full range of civil engineering disciplines. Facilities are located at the following University sites:
Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street Site
The Schofield Centre
The Schofield Centre is run by the Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group and is a world-renowned laboratory for physical modelling in geotechnics. It is home to a wide range of experimental equipment, which includes the 10 m diameter Turner beam centrifuge, Minidrum centrifuge and Servo-controlled 2-axis actuators for simulating a range of civil engineering operations.
Full details of the facilities available at the Schofield Centre are available on the Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group website.
The National Facility for Infrastructure Sensing
The National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing (NRFIS) is a new state-of-the-art research facility hosted by the University of Cambridge. Housed in the Civil Engineering Building located on the Cambridge West Campus, it is part of the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure & Cities (UKCRIC) portfolio of research and innovation facilities funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
The National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing (NRFIS) accommodates purpose built facilities to enable cutting edge research across the civil engineering disciplines of sensor development, structures, geomechanics and construction engineering. To read more about the NRFIS facilities available in the laboratories and workshops click here
The facilities at NRFIS are open and available to industry and all academic institutions and centres to support delivery of interconnected, integrated, and interdisciplinary research for UK infrastructure.