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Civil Engineering Division

Advancing the design, construction, and operation of civil and structural engineering systems

Use Less Group

Living well whilst doing less

The Use Less Group is led by Julian Allwood, Professor of Engineering and the Environment. The Group’s world-leading research into the sustainable use of materials, energy and resources aims to deliver new technologies, evidence, and analysis to secure a more sustainable future.

More than 20 researchers in the Use Less Group pursue a diverse range of projects under three main themes: whole systems thinking, material efficiency and novel materials processing technology

The priority of the Use Less Group is to find ways to reduce resource use to support the way we live today. The work of the Group spans material and energy industries and the construction, equipment, automotive and clothing sectors. The Group’s whole systems analysis demonstrates, in a compelling and visual way, how innovations in technology, business and policy practices can reduce global greenhouse gas emissions on a large scale by:

  • changing product designs
  • reducing losses during manufacturing
  • re-using waste materials, products, and product components
  • using products more intensively and for longer